Audio books listen

 How  to perfectly use the audio books in

 Audible is an American online audiobook and podcast service that allows users to purchase and stream audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content. 

Sign up for audible now and listen to best contents.


This content can be purchased individually or under a subscription model where the user receives "credits" that can be redeemed for content monthly and receive access to a curated on-demand library of content. Audible is the United States' largest audiobook producer and retailer.[1][2] The service is owned by Audible, a wholly-owned subsidiary of, Inc., headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.[3][4]

How can I listen to Audible audiobooks?

Once you purchase a title, you can listen to it using the Audible app for iOS and Android, or by visiting your library on the Audible website.

Note: Depending on your app version the screen could be a little different, but the general steps will be the same.

Audible app for iOS and Android

Look for the Audible app on your phone or tablet.

Open the app. At the bottom of the screen tap the "Library" icon.

Library icon

Once on the Library screen you can use the different lenses to filter your titles (All, Audiobooks, Podcasts, Wish List, etc.)

Library Lenses

You can also use the arrow icon Sorting arrowsto sort content by recent, author, title, and more.

Sorting options

To download and listen to any of your titles simply tap on it to start the download, then tap again once the book is ready to play. For audiobooks broken in to multiple parts, tap the name of the title first, and then tap the desired part.

Enjoy your best audio contents here



 Go to the Library .

Once on the Library screen you can use the different lenses to filter your titles.

Library Lenses

You can also use the sort options to show the titles by date added, length, title, and author.

Sorting options

From there you can either listen to your title using the Audible Cloud Player or Download it to your computer.

Desktop listening options

For more information about listening audiobooks on a desktop computer visit our Windows 10 or MacOS pages. To learn how to download and listen on an MP3 device, visit Audible Tools .


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